Saturday, November 20, 2010

THE JUNGLE: Characterization

Identify the novel's protagonist; briefly explain the basis for your response. Then, identify and explain one example of an antagonist your protagonist battles. NOTE: Although characters may be repeated, responses must further our understanding rather than simply displaying simple agreement.


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  2. I believe The Jungle had many protagonists, but one person stands out to me. In my opinion, the book’s protagonist is Jurgis. Jurgis was the family man. He supported his family with a paycheck and a sense of hope. He tried to keep the family living as best as he could. Jurgis sacrificed his wellbeing for his family. By him over working, he ended up very ill. He looked out for everyone in his family. Jurgis provided them food and a house, but he did have help. He wasn’t the only one who helped, but he earned the protagonist title.
    I believe a major antagonist against Jurgis was the agent that sold the family the house. He was not truthful about the payment details. He also left out key details about the house. The agent caused many complications to the family. They had to send children to work and worry about each month’s payment. The step up to a house of their own was not worth it because of the agent. The agent was a major problem to Jurgis. He caused stress and harm to Jurgis. Jurgis had to work ten times harder and watch his family worry and struggle. The agent was very unfair to them.

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  4. I agree with Hayden about Jurgis being the protagonist in, “The Jungle.” Jurgis seems to be the typical immigrant father; he wants to move to America to make a better life for his family. Some would say he had the, “American Dream!” Just like Hayden said, Jurgis provided his family with food and hope. When Jurgis becomes more ill, most people see his character changing. Throughout the part of the story we read, Jurgis gets cut back on his hours at his job. He also gets hurt and can’t work for around 3 months! No matter what happens though, He still tries to support his family. People think that Jurgis is sort of uncaring, yet I feel bad for him! Deep down I know Jurgis isn’t a bad man, he’s a good man going through a rough time. Throughout the story Jurgis goes from being a strong, energetic man to being a sad, depressed one, yet I still think Jurgis is the Protagonist in the story. When I think about antagonist I think of two people. The two people I think of are the Lithuanian speaking man that sells them their house, and their lawyer. Jurgis’s family is cheated out by the man that sells them their house. The family realizes that the house isn’t very new or big, the basement and attic aren’t finished, and the other houses didn’t have families living in them, like they were told. Basically, the man that sold them the house was lying about most features of the house. Also the family finds out that the house cost more money. After reading the deed to the house, Jurgis finds a lawyer to fight for what he was told he would get. The lawyer was a friend of the guy who sold them the house so nothing was done about the deed. Both of these men were great examples of antagonist towards Jurgis because they were either mean, or unfair.

  5. Out of the many protagonists in The Jungle, I agree with Hayden and Leah: Jurgis is the most significant protagonist. He moved his family to a strange land to look for an opportunity to a better life. He risked his life to work at a packinghouse, where disease was present and the meat was more than spoiled. Jurgis gave his family a sense of determination and he wouldn't give up until he got what he wanted. When Jurgis discovered that he had to pay interest on his home, he and his family got through it together, rather than giving up and living on the streets. Like Hayden said, Jurgis wasn't the only hardworking character in The Jungle. His family members also helped keep each other going.
    The lawyer is the major antagonist in The Jungle. He lied to Jurgis and his family, not telling them that they really had to pay more for the house. The lawyer knew, since Jurgis was an immigrant and naive, he could trick Jurgis into buying the house without really knowing what he was getting himself and his family into. Throughout The Jungle, Jurgis and the lawyer were definitely the most significant protagonist and antagonist.

  6. Although I agree with Hayden, Paige, and Leah, I believe that Ona was a major protagonist in the novel as well. When Ona decided it was necessary to get a job to support the family, she showed her true character. Instead of being a normal housewife, Ona took the opportunity to make the family’s life a little easier with the extra pay. Ona was also strong when it came to her work. She knew how bad it was and yet she kept going. She went to work in the worst weather conditions and it was hard on her. In the book it was said that she had some problem after giving birth to her child. Ona said it was nothing serious but she was still in a lot of pain, she never gave up on her job and that is why I think she is another protagonist in the novel.
    The forelady or Miss. Henderson who watched over Ona as she worked was a major antagonist on Ona’s part. This woman was so awful to Ona that she was afraid to tell any of the problems to Jurgis. For example, Ona could not get a holiday break because she did not get Miss. Henderson a present. Ona discovered that the forelady took a liking of the other workers who gave her gifts. Ona also discovered that Miss. Henderson had a high temper and was only there because her husband had put her there to keep quite. Miss. Henderson put a strain on Ona. If Ona’s job did not stink as it already was, Miss. Henderson made it a whole lot worse.

  7. Although I agree with Hayden I also believe that Jurgis was the antagonist in the end of the novel. He ended up going to jail and making bad decisions. At the beginning of the novel however, he was the protagonist. He overworked himself to support his family. Although this was good for the family at the time, this led to him becoming the antagonist. Jurgis was the antagonist against himself during the end of the novel.
    The true protagonist throughout the whole novel would be Teta Elzbieta Lukoszaite. Teta is the only one in the novel to stay strong the whole time. Towards the end of the novel when everybody’s lives went downhill she stayed strong. She also provided the needs for the family during tough times. The antagonists against Teta would be her family’s bosses. The bosses make her family member’s lives very hard. For example, Ona’s boss raped her, eventually Ona dies. Teta has to stay strong after her stepdaughter’s death. Teta is very caring about the family. Whenever her family starts falling apart she has to fight to stay strong.

  8. The main protagonist of this story is Jurgis. Jurgis is the main character, and he is just trying to stay alive in a new world, whilst supporting his family. I feel that the antagonist of this story is the entire idea and system of Packingtown. Jurgis is battling, trying to stay alive in the system created to bring people just like him down. The “system” is to work the workers too much for too little pay, then when they get worn out, hire new workers. Jurgis tries his best to stay well and keep his job, for without his job his whole family would parish, but in the end the system beats him. Jurgis breaks his ankle, and loses his job. Things just spiral miserably downwards from that point. Jurgis the protagonist is defeated by the system of Packingtown, which is the antagonist of the story.

  9. Alright, I know everyone is tired of hearing Jurgis is the protagonist. Well, too bad, he is. Jurgis puts his family before himself, if that means sacrificing his overall health, he will provide for his family. Jurgis is the character everyone feels his struggle and can relate to. I like the idea Riley brought. Packingtown is the main antagonist. Its much harder to label specific people or events as the sole enemy of Jurgis. The series of people, events, and actions brought Jurgis down in America. After one setback, another would quickly use Jurgis's misfortune and hit him with again. If Jurgis was to face one problem at a time, he would easily come out on top, for Jurgis is a strong man, provider, and caretaker for his family. Of course that is not the case. Between overwork, injury, illness, and poverty, anyone can be brought to their knees, even strong-willed people like Jurgis
